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Ruth Egbedi: Changing Lives, One Initiative at a Time

  1. Can you please introduce yourself? Tell us a bit about who you are, your passions, and what drives you.

I am Ruth Egbedi, a young Nigerian changemaker who is making significant strides towards enhancing menstrual health education, achieving environmental sustainability, and promoting gender equality in STEM fields within Nigeria. I hold a strong belief that with proper support, girls in Africa can unlock their full potential.

My change-making journey was inspired by some of my childhood experiences. As I grew up, I witnessed my older peers struggling due to the lack of access to menstrual pads and inadequate information about various ways to manage their periods. Unfortunately, even in today’s world, it remains rare to find families in Nigeria that include sanitary towels in their monthly budget. Moreover, prevailing myths surrounding menstruation only add to the challenges faced by young women.

Additionally, during my time in secondary school, I observed a concerning trend—a significantly lower percentage of girls in science classes. This imbalance was a clear indicator of the gender disparity that exists in STEM fields. It was these firsthand experiences that fueled my determination to drive change in menstrual health education and gender equality in STEM.

My commitment revolves around addressing period poverty and establishing a safer and more efficient recycling system for Nigeria. I achieve this by providing training to underprivileged young women and girls, teaching them how to create reusable pads using sustainable and hygienic materials sourced from their environment. 

Furthermore, I am dedicated to empowering more young girls to pursue STEM careers. Through personalized career counseling engagements, I ensure they receive the guidance and support they need to realize their dreams of studying STEM courses and excelling in STEM fields.

  1. Could you share how the Young Africa Foundation (YAF) came into existence and what inspired you to start it? What is the main focus of YAF’s initiatives? How do you aim to bring positive changes to communities?

The Young Africa Foundation (YAF) came into existence as a response to the pressing challenges faced by African communities. The journey of establishing YAF was deeply inspired by the realization that numerous issues persist in Africa and that the young generation holds the potential to be the driving force behind their solutions.

At its core, the Young Africa Foundation is committed to addressing period poverty and revolutionizing recycling systems in Nigeria. We achieve this by providing comprehensive training to underprivileged young women and girls, enabling them to craft reusable pads from sustainable and hygienic materials that are readily available in their environment. This initiative not only empowers them with valuable skills but also contributes to a healthier environment by promoting sustainable practices.

Furthermore, an integral aspect of YAF’s mission is to empower young girls to enter the realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Through personalized career counseling engagements, we ensure these aspiring young minds are not only informed about the opportunities within STEM fields but are also provided the necessary guidance and support to pursue their dreams. By bridging the gender gap in STEM, we aim to foster inclusivity, diversity, and innovation in these critical sectors.

Our vision for positive change extends to the communities we serve. By equipping underprivileged young women with reusable pad-making skills and imparting STEM knowledge to aspiring girls, we believe we are contributing to a brighter future. YAF aims to break down barriers, dispel myths, and transform the narratives surrounding menstrual health and STEM education. Through our initiatives, we aspire to create a ripple effect of positive change that touches not only individual lives but entire communities, fostering progress and sustainability.

In essence, the Young Africa Foundation embodies the belief that empowering young individuals with knowledge and skills can pave the way for transformative change, leading to improved quality of life and lasting impact across African communities.

  1. As a young person yourself, how do you believe youth empowerment can contribute to creating a better world? How do you manage to balance your own personal growth while empowering others through your work?

Empowering the youth is essential because it unlocks their creativity, energy, and unique perspectives. By equipping them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and opportunities, we enable them to make meaningful contributions to society. Empowered young people become catalysts for innovation, capable of addressing challenges and advocating for important causes.

As for managing my own personal growth, I adopt a proactive approach. I prioritize continuous learning by reading books, participating in meetings, and cultivating relationships with mentors who offer valuable guidance. Striking a balance between personal growth and other commitments requires effective time management and goal-setting. Through careful planning, I navigated this journey successfully.

In essence, youth empowerment isn’t just a phrase; it’s a pathway to building an inclusive, progressive, and sustainable world. By nurturing the potential of young individuals, we lay the groundwork for positive change that will resonate across generations.

  1. Could you tell us more about your Girls Talk conferences and the impact they’ve had on teenagers’ lives? How does YAF address the challenges that young girls face, and what strategies do you use to create a supportive environment for them?

Certainly, our Girls Talk conferences have made a remarkable impact on the lives of teenagers. These events serve as safe spaces for open dialogue, where young girls can freely express themselves and seek guidance on various challenges they face.

Our approach has yielded numerous positive outcomes. At each conference, I share my own story, fostering an atmosphere of relatability that encourages young girls to open up about their experiences. This storytelling component establishes a sense of trust and connection, creating a supportive environment where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

The Girls Talk conferences are designed to be highly informative. We address pressing questions and issues that these young girls grapple with. By providing clear, accurate information, we equip them with the knowledge they need to navigate challenges related to menstrual health, education, and personal growth.

Our strategies encompass various aspects. One key focus is imparting practical skills, such as teaching them how to make pads using easily accessible materials. This not only addresses period poverty but also empowers them with a tangible skill that can contribute to their well-being.

Additionally, we are passionate about encouraging young girls to engage in STEM fields. We introduce them to a range of platforms, resources, and opportunities within STEM, aiming to inspire their interest and confidence in pursuing careers in these areas.

Ultimately, the Girls Talk conferences provide a supportive environment where young girls can learn, share, and grow. By addressing their concerns, offering practical skills, and fostering an atmosphere of openness, we are working to uplift their spirits, build their self-esteem, and equip them to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

  1. What has been the most rewarding aspect of your work with YAF so far? Can you share a memorable story or experience that touched your heart and reaffirmed your dedication to your mission?

The most rewarding aspect of my work with YAF has been witnessing the genuine joy and empowerment that radiates from the young girls when they receive accurate and valuable information. One particularly touching experience was when we conducted an intervention, and I saw the girls’ faces light up as they absorbed the facts and insights we shared. Their happiness and enthusiasm affirmed the significance of our mission in dispelling myths and providing them with crucial knowledge.

Equally heartwarming is when the girls express their reluctance for us to leave after our interventions. Their eagerness to continue engaging with us underscores the impact we are making in their lives and reaffirms the importance of our efforts.

These moments serve as powerful reminders of the positive change we are affecting. The happiness, the eagerness to learn, and the connections we forge rekindle my dedication to the mission of the Young Africa Foundation. It’s in these moments that I am reminded of the difference we are making, and I am motivated to continue advocating for these young girls and the better future they deserve.

  1. If a young person wanted to make a positive change in their community, what advice would you give them? How do you believe the youth can play a crucial role in bringing about sustainable development and positive change?

Tomorrow’s world would be determined by the little action young people take today” encapsulates the essence of how impactful even small actions can be. If a young person is eager to make a positive impact in their community, my advice would be to heed this wisdom and start taking steps towards change now.

The youth have a crucial role to play in achieving sustainable development and positive change. They possess a unique blend of energy, passion, and fresh perspectives that are essential for addressing complex challenges. 

By harnessing their creativity and collaborating with others, young individuals can drive innovative solutions and inspire lasting transformations. It’s important to remember that change doesn’t have to be grand to be meaningful. Every action counts, and the cumulative impact of small initiatives can be profound. Whether it’s raising awareness about a local issue, volunteering, or initiating a community project, these endeavors contribute to the bigger picture of progress.

We must also recognize that youth empowerment goes beyond individual efforts. When young people come together, their collective power amplifies. By joining forces, they can amplify their voices, advocate for change, and hold leaders and institutions accountable.

In essence, the youth have the potential to be catalysts for positive change. Their actions today, no matter how small, hold the potential to shape a better, more sustainable tomorrow. It’s up to them to seize the opportunity and become active agents in shaping the world they want to see.

  1. You’ve started your higher academic journey at the University of Calabar. How have you been managing to balance your university studies with your various commitments and activities?

Starting my higher academic journey at the University of Calabar, I’ve adopted a strategic approach to balancing my studies with my numerous commitments and activities. My main priority remains my education, which I allocate the majority of my time to—around 70%. This ensures that I give my coursework the attention it deserves and maintain a strong academic foundation.

Simultaneously, I dedicate around 30% of my time to extracurricular activities, commitments, and initiatives. This division allows me to effectively pursue my passions, such as my work with the Young Africa Foundation, while still excelling in my studies.

Balancing these aspects requires careful planning, efficient time management, and the ability to prioritize tasks. By striking this balance, I can pursue both my academic goals and my commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

  1. What is your vision for the future of the Young Africa Foundation, and how do you see it continuing to impact the lives of youth and communities?

As someone with big dreams and aspirations for the Young Africa Foundation (YAF), I envision a future where YAF continues to expand its reach and make a lasting impact on the lives of youth and communities. One of our current ambitious projects involves integrating banana stems to create reusable pads. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions. By ensuring every girl has access to these reusable pads, we aim to address period poverty and contribute to improved menstrual health and hygiene.

As someone with big dreams and aspirations for the Young Africa Foundation (YAF), I envision a future where YAF continues to expand its reach and make a lasting impact on the lives of youth and communities.

One of our current ambitious projects involves integrating banana stems to create reusable pads. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions. By ensuring every girl has access to these reusable pads, we aim to address period poverty and contribute to improved menstrual health and hygiene.

As we continue to expand our initiatives and collaborate with partners, YAF will play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of positive change. By nurturing the potential of the youth and providing them with tools to drive innovation, I am confident that YAF will contribute to creating a brighter, more sustainable future for both individuals and communities.

  1. The Young Africa Foundation (YAF) is doing incredible work. For those who are inspired and want to support your initiatives, what are some ways people can get involved and make a meaningful contribution to YAF’s mission?

Absolutely, we welcome and appreciate the support of those who are inspired by the work of the Young Africa Foundation (YAF) and want to contribute to our mission of positive change. There are several meaningful ways people can get involved:

Funding our Projects: Financial contributions are invaluable in enabling us to execute our initiatives effectively. Donations, sponsorships, and grants go a long way in helping us expand our reach and impact.

Partnership: Partnering with us amplifies the impact of our work. Collaborating with organizations, businesses, and individuals who share our values can enhance our reach and resources, ultimately benefiting the communities we serve.

Workforce: Volunteering your time and skills can make a tangible difference. Your expertise could be invaluable in various aspects, from organizing events to offering mentorship and training to the youth we work with.

By engaging in any of these ways, you’re contributing to creating a positive and sustainable impact. Your support not only furthers our initiatives but also helps uplift communities and empower young individuals to thrive and drive change.

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